Our Ministries
Ministries play a key function in our church as we seek to reach all our members, creating opportunities to unite with Christ, fellowship, and find meaning and purpose which God intended for each of us. Join a ministry and discover God’s purpose for you and open your life to a new beginning. We also welcome all the assistance we can get as doing God’s work requires collaboration and support. Interested in volunteering in a ministry or joining unique outreach initiatives? Join us. Serving in a ministry can be a fulfilling and meaningful experience, allowing you to make a positive impact in the community, growing in your faith, and discovering new passions and strengths.

Men's Ministry
In today’s world, men are under tremendous stress and pressure. Most have nowhere to turn, but here at New Hope we carve out a space for men to come into their best self and ground off to face a world that is quite challenging at home and work. Our Men's Ministry initiatives provide a great way to reach other men who are caught up in the secular aspect of life and who are looking or need to unite with our Lord and savior. Our meetings cover a wide spectrum of interests and issues specific to men, their roles and their importance to society. Pastor King is especially involved, leading meetings that feature interesting guest speakers. Other meeting ideas include outreach and community projects, social gatherings, sports events, father/son events, and video presentations. There are many resources which are great "entry doors" to introduce men to the balance between living a Godly life and existing in the secular world. A Brotherhood that offers short-term studies (four weeks) on a variety of issues that men encounter, with the goal of guiding them toward spiritual maturity and a deeply meaningful relationship with God.

Women’s Ministry
At New Hope, we understand the important role women play in society and in carrying out God’s work. We see this testimony in many biblical women, like Mary the mother of Jesus, Miriam, and Esther to name a few. Women are key to the well-being and nurturing of families, the work environment and especially in communities. They also work to protect society, impart knowledge, and generate awareness. At New Hope, our women’s ministry is a community of women who gather for fellowship, mentoring and interacting in a safe, supportive environment. One designed to educate, empower and spiritually nurture. This Ministry's goal is to keep women informed, and connected, as well as serve as an outreach tool by providing access to resources and information locally and globally.

New Members Ministry
The primary goal of this ministry is to map out a path to Christ, a connection to God and understanding of the Holy Spirit by providing our new members with an understanding of our pastor's vision, our beliefs, essential Christian teachings, ministries, and services underpinned by biblical teachings. The principal idea is to care for and aid in the spiritual development of new members.

Hospitality Ministry
The hospitality ministry's mission is to ensure that visitors, members, guests, friends and families feel at home by creating an atmosphere of comfort, acceptance, love, encouragement, and solidarity in order to improve their worship experience, promote fellowship, and foster the continuous growth of a strong community of believers. Bolstered with the foundational knowledge that love comes first and with ever embracing open arms, the hospitality ministry seeks to welcome one and all. The Hospitality Ministry largely contributes to the unforgettable worship experience felt at New Hope. For important events, the Hospitality Ministry also provides food and drinks for attendees and members of New Hope.

Music Ministry
At New Hope, we welcome all those with the gift of musical talent and qualification. Help lead the congregation through worship of singing spirituals, hymns, and classic gospel music. God created music with the capacity to uplift and motivate us, so with the adaptation of exquisite melodies, harmonies, and rhythms in music that is objectively excellent, join the music ministry to unify people through breaking cultural and religious barriers. One of the most effective spiritual instruments for developing people's creative faculties is music. Let us renew our vision of life and relationship with God through hymns and melodies of praise. Come, let us worship the creator through musical fellowship. The saying "He who sings prays twice," attributed to Saint Augustine, emphasizes the power of music to draw us nearer to God. Join in the divine connection that music fosters to uplift your spirit and purify your mind through the Music Ministry.

Transgender Speak Ministry
As the world evolves and gender rights become increasingly important, at New Hope, we encourage all to attend church and forge a connection with God. The transgender ministry is a safe, unbiased and nonjudgmental space for discussions of commonalities, life-stories and what God calls you to. Get access to local and international resources and bible-based information to guide you and find your spiritual purpose.

Evangelism & Outreach Ministry
Do you have a desire to share the gospel with those who are not saved? The Evangelism & Outreach Ministry follows the Great Commission by taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all those who would listen. In this ministry, we train and guide our team to effectively share the gospel through classroom training and workshops.

Youth Ministry
The New Hope Youth Ministry is all about raising up leaders in Christ. Youth need godly mentors who will invest in their lives and consistently help them become more like Jesus. At New Hope’s Youth Ministry, you will learn through knowledge sharing and through practical ministry experience to develop a well-rounded life infused with bible teachings. Prepare to be a youth leader, tackle life’s tough questions against bible principles, navigate your formative years. A biblical foundation passed from one generation gives rise to spiritual growth within and outside the church, and shapes your future to grow and walk with Christ. With unique challenges of your own, only the most meaningful and relevant resources to answer the many questions of growing are shared in this transformative and supportive ministry.
Social Justice Ministry
A non-partisan ministry created to inform, promote empowerment, and collaborate, advocating the significance of state, national, and federal social justice issues of concern. In order to aid members of New Hope and the neighborhood, there are additionally designated channels for community outreach and support within this ministry. By facilitating calls to action, organizing social justice events, and sharing information, our Social Justice Ministry aims to act as a stronghold for societal consciousness. Our goal is to serve as a catalyst not only for justice within New Hope Baptist United Church of Christ, but also locally within the Washington Metropolitan area, nationally throughout our country, as well as on a large scale globally.